Sunday, January 14, 2007

Spirituality and Health Promotion Behaviors #3: Eating habits

One of the key to unlocking good health in each of us is through cultivating good eating habits. We are what, how, when, where and why we eat. There is no short cut to spirituality and health promotion. Good habits need time to be instilled (according to some studies, at least 6 weeks).

Our eating habits can be improved. In general, it is important to remember that eating is to nourish our souls. Hence, we should be mindful when eating.

Here are some key health promoting eating habits:

What? Eat foods that are nutritious and eat moderate portions.

When? Eat early, before 7pm.

How? Eat slowly (try chewing each mouthful at least 30 times and listening to the sound the food makes in your mouth) and without distractions such as TV or books.

Where? Eat while seated at dining table instead of standing or on the run.

Why? Understand that we eat to live, not live to eat.

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